
Alina Bas Alina Bas

Bucket List: Keep It or Forget It?

Does a bucket list actually help you make happen what you really want in life? Or, is a bucket list simply a holding place for unfulfilled dreams, which are often being postponed “until a better time”? Is it a list to which you may get when you have more money, more time, a partner, a different partner, freedom, you’re your children grow up, retirement, or when your other goals are met first?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

An Antidote to Loneliness

People feel lonelier than ever these days, partly because connectivity does not equal connection, and staying engaged is not as easy in our fast-paced world. What can we do to counteract loneliness?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

What Comes After Crisis?

While we may have a sense of certainty at times, actual certainty remains as unreachable as the horizon line; uncertainty is the default ever-present context which we inhabit – we can’t get out of uncertainty any more than we can exit the universe. How do we cope?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Life-Changing Events: Are You Ready?

We inevitably face life-changing events, like a forced career transition, a relationship loss, health issue, or a global crisis. Can we be better prepared?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

What chatGPT Can’t Tell You

What can outstanding consultants, teachers, and grandmasters in various fields teach you that AI like chatGPT can’t? Will these experts become obsolete?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Do One Thing (and Birthday shenanigans)

Many of the people I know have been feeling out of alignment lately. To counteract this, I’m wondering if we could do something playful together today, which happens to be my Birthday.

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Choose Your Destination

I want to start by acknowledging that among other turbulent things in the world, the war in Ukraine is still happening. There are currently families in Ukraine without heat, food, and power.

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Happiness Alina Bas Happiness Alina Bas

Tiny Interactions, Huge Impact

Loneliness can be an uncomfortable subject to discuss, especially when others appear to be super connected, via social media and otherwise. Moreover, in the context of bigger issues in the world, loneliness can be easily dismissed as a ‘first world problem’. What can be done to help?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Will You Call?

I am writing to you amidst packing a suitcase for a trip to the UK for school. This time of the year can be overwhelming, so I won’t keep you long. First,

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