Can you achieve a life goal with unlimited support, coaching, and intuition in 6 months?

Do you ever wish for unlimited, personal, unconditional support? I’ve created a unique program that may work for you if you are focused on achieving a specific life goal, are willing to invest time and energy to make it happen, and want someone smart, experienced and magical by your side to help you.

Program: unlimited one-on-one coaching + unlimited intuitive sessions + unlimited access to workshops over 6 months (yes, really)

End game: Achieving a specific life goal. It can look like this: making a career change, starting a meaningful project, finally doing something you are passionate about, building supportive relationships, creating a legacy, managing your time to reflect your priorities, planning a large-scale adventure, improving your decision-making, developing and using your gifts. Name your end game!

Timeframe: 6 months.

Participants: small number of hand-picked professionals who are excellent at what they do, but want a change, and prefer dependable, unlimited support on their quest.

Investment: $6K, including unlimited coaching, intuition and workshops over the 6 months.

Available start date: On demand, as spots become available.

Think of it as:  An intensive college-level course customized to meet your development needs, with the goal on helping you establish the life that you want.

Interested? Please send an e-mail with your inquiry at, and we will figure out whether we are a good match for this project.

Be thoughtful: If you have a friend who really needs this program, please share this information with him/her, asking them to mention your name when he or she contacts me.

Can you trust me? I’m a Life Strategist with 12+ years of corporate experience, including executive coaching. I hold a Master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, have Life Coach certification, Reiki II certification and extensive training as an intuitive. I’m an author, a workshop facilitator, and I love to use both research and [what looks like] magic to help clients find fulfillment. Most importantly, I love my work, I’m good at it, and I really care about each client.

Please email me at to ask questions, see if this is the right program for you, and save you a spot.


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