Odd but Effective Brain Connections for Boosting Productivity

Do you by chance see days of the week in color? What about seeing numbers or letters in color? How about getting a distinct smell associated with a specific note? This cross-wiring of perceptions is a harmless neurological condition known as synesthesia (by the way, synesthesia has a genetic component, so if you have it, there’s a good chance that one of your parents, children, or siblings has it as well – just ask them).

Some synesthesists can “taste” colors and “hear” shapes. This is what happens to me: I head for the kitchen and cook up a storm when subconsciously I start getting ideas for working with my clients.

If these ideas are subconscious, you may ask, how do I know that a connection between cooking and my business is real? Good question. The answer is in the evidence. Whenever I have a spontaneous urge to cook a multi-course gourmet meal, especially when we don’t need more food, by the time the cooking is finished, a new proposal is formed in my head in its entirety, and new detailed offers are ready to be shared with clients. This could be a strange form of synesthesia, or an example of the Slingshot Effect (i.e. constructive procrastination). Whatever it is, though, it taught me to make time for cooking.


I cook and listen, letting ideas bubble up to the surface without consciously processing them. When the meal is ready, I’m ready to write and think.

 Allow yourself to notice unusual patterns in your life: what seemingly unconnected areas of your life make you feel more productive? Of course, you will need evidence to prove the connection, so start by noticing and documenting:

“After I play basketball, it feels easy for me to create a spreadsheet that would have taken hours at another time.”
“After I sing, I have a better sense for managing my child’s behavior.”
“After I sleep, my piano playing improves, as if I were rehearsing while sleeping.*

Notice the particularities of your patterns. There are certainly many studies that can back up the idea that these seemingly random connections actually make sense: physical activity can improve memory, sleep is conducive to essential information processing that doesn’t happen when you’re awake, etc. The trick is to understand what unique helpful patterns are at play for YOU in particular.

I don’t know if there are studies asserting that cooking helps create awesome offerings for coaching clients. Yet, for me, it’s true.


What odd patterns help you be more productive?

What are your unique, seemingly odd process for allowing the work that has meaning to you to bubble up to the surface of your consciousness? (I’d actually love to hear, so drop me a line! Alina@MindTerrainCoaching.com ) Whatever those odd things are, give them your time.

For the past week, I’ve been compelled to cook non-stop: I’ve improvised without recipes, used new gourmet recipes, and baked the tried and true classics. The way you do one thing is the way you do all things, so you’ll see a similar diverse spread in my offerings to you as my family has seen in the kitchen.

I have a lot to offer you between now and July (in July and August, my time goes to my MVPs – family, friends, and a small number of VIP long-term clients who are committed to ongoing personal development). In September, my rates will be going up, as offerings expand and increase in value. If you are ready, let’s set something up for you and me before all the changes take place.


What do I have in the store for you between now and July, you ask?

INTUITION & DECISION-MAKING RETREAT in May 1-3, 2015, at Garrison Institute. There’s a bad news (for procrastinators) and a good news (for the budget-conscious). The bad news is that registration for the retreat will close earlier than we planned, on March 30. The good news is that we’ve decided to keep the registration rate super low, no late fees or anything. If money was your reason not to join us, perhaps, this shift will make things a little easier for you. $695 for a triple/quad room selection, $745 for a double room, $775 for a single rooms.

All rates include all the materials for this magical and restorative workshop for analytical people (be prepared to attempt remote viewing and discuss neuroscience, in equal parts), accommodations, fresh gourmet vegetarian meals, and use of Garrison Institute grounds, including a labyrinth, secret garden, walking paths, and meditation room. Please, join me! Email questions to Alina@MindTerrainCoaching.com

“BE YOUR OWN HERO”. My teacher and mentor, one of the most creative, authentic, and insightful people I know, Martha Beck, Ph.D., the author of “Expecting Adam“, is offering a free online seminar, “Be Your Own Hero”. She will talk about turning fear into creative, constructive energy that moves you forward instead of paralyzing you. I think it’s a relevant topic to entrepreneurs, especially female entrepreneurs, so I wanted to share. For full disclosure, this is an affiliate link. This seminar is free; if you sign up for a program that Martha is doing with Deepak Chopra, I’ll get something from it. You know that I hardly ever share affiliate links (well, never, except for book links). I truly believe in Martha’s work, and I think it will be the time well spent for anyone who participates. The program is TONIGHT, Wed. 3/4, at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00pm Eastern http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-7769533-12125854


APPLIED INTUITION FOR ANALYTICAL THINKERS. Tue. March 17th, 12-1 p.m. EST. Private teleclass for MBI coaches. Log-in required.


Series of 3 teleclassess, 1.5 hours each. Tue. 3/24, Wed. 3/25, and Thu. 3/26, 12-1:30 p.m. EST. $89 for the series of 3 teleclasses. 

Are you curious about the nature of intuition? Would you like to understand how to use your intuition without giving up logic and reason? In this workshop, I will:

  • Share with you what I’ve learned about intuition both from practicing intuitives and academic researchers in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and business

  • Describe some of the tools that I use in my intuition practice, teach you to use some of these tools

  • Discuss questions like: Is intuition a gift or a skill? Can someone really heal or curse you? Is there a way to protect yourself from so-called “bad energy”? Can intuition ever be wrong? Is there any scientific evidence for intuition beyond the brain function?

  • In Session 1, we’ll talk about the nature of intuition, setting intentions, and using awareness tools

  • In Session 2, we’ll dive into getting and interpreting information from people, objects, and situations. (Sneak peak: the “getting” part is easy, but the “interpreting” part is what gets most readers in trouble)

  • In Session 3, we’ll review some of the current academic studies on intuition, and understand practical applications of these studies in our daily lives

  • Time-permitting, I’ll do demos of intuitive readings for the call participants. If you’re curious why this program is so ridiculously affordable, I’ll tell you upfront: I hope you will learn enough to want to learn more, and join me for the Intuition & Decision-Making Retreat. I promise to spend zero time up-selling, so no worries.

  • REGISTRATION is open through Fri., March 20th. Registration link will be available here by Friday, 3/6. In the meantime, you can email me at Alina@MindTerrainCoachin.com to save your spot.

PLEASE NOTE: By scheduling and paying for any service offered through IntuitionLeap.com or MindTerrainCoaching.com, you are attesting that you’ve read this legal disclaimer & terms of service.


CAREER MAPPING: Strategies for Creating, Finding and Doing Meaningful Work. Series of 3 teleclassess, 1.5 hours each.

Mon. 3/23, Tue., 3/24, and Wed. 3/25, 9-10:30 p.m.EST. $89 total.

In this tele-workshop, we will:

  • Discuss traditional vs. modern career mapping

  • Create an inspiring vision

  • Figure out what holds you back and how to go around those blocks

  • Get a glimpse of the future without using any supernatural powers

  • Create habits for success.

  • Focus on practical, fresh strategies, exercises, and on-the-spot coaching, time-permitting.

Why, you may ask, is this amazing program so affordable? Because I hope it will inspire you to join me in “The Journey” VIP program, which just got an upgrade and a makeover. (Zero time will be spent up-selling, though). REGISTRATION is open through Fri., March 20th.

PLEASE NOTE: By scheduling and paying for any service offered through IntuitionLeap.com or MindTerrainCoaching.com, you are attesting that you’ve read this legal disclaimer & terms of service.



This program offers a powerful transformation in the area of your life where you need it most. (You may be surprised how interconnected all areas of your life are, and how much, for example, your work satisfaction is connected with your weight management, and with the quality of your most important relationship).

We’ll be working as partners for 3 months (April – June)

  • You will be on my attention radar for any relevant opportunities and learning experiences for you.

  • You will be at the top of my attention list, as we work on accomplishing your personal and professional goals.

  • This is what I can guarantee you as we work together.

  • 6 one-on-one in-depth transformational coaching sessions (about 2 per month).

  • A detailed follow-up report after each session

  • Full email support from me personally between sessions

  • Two 30-min intuitive readings (ff you are open and interested) at the beginning and at the end of our collaboration

  • A pdf copy of my book chapter, “Practical Guide for Making Choices without Regrets”

  • Additional surprise resources from my colleagues around the world.

  • Financial Investment: $1199 (of course, investment of your time and attention is also essential)

  • We will start our collaboration in April and continue through June.

We’ll work via phone or Skype, at a time that is convenient for you.  For obvious reasons, the number of participants will be very limited.

Please e-mail me at Alina@MindTerrainCoaching.com with The Journey VIP in the subject line, so that we could start a conversation about the best way to make The Journey VIP package work for you.  No new inquiries for this round of the program will be accepted after March 30th, 2015.


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