Your Greatest Source of Power in 2019

A year ago, we discussed what 2018 will bring (or how to be your own psychic). So, how has 2018 been for you? What were some of the most joyful and some of the toughest things you’ve experienced? This is not a rhetorical question. I would actually love to hear about your year. Send me a quick email, if you have a minute and would like to share!.

As 2018 is rolling to an end, I would like to focus on one of our greatest sources of power: our ability to live in peace with ourselves.

For some people, it comes naturally, and for others, it takes work, no matter how brilliant or successful they are. You know what I mean if your friends or colleagues have a higher opinion of you than you secretly have of yourself, if Impostor Syndrome is never too far from your mind, or if you equate accepting yourself with giving up growth.

Here’s what I have figured out so far about learning to live with ourselves in peace:

1. Know yourself. You are old enough to be honest with yourself. Learn what is harmonious for you, and what isn’t. This doesn’t meant that you should immediately drop everything that doesn’t feel “right”, but at least, notice. You can start making changes little by little and eventually transition to doing what is most harmonious for you in each situation.

2. Know where you harmoniously fit. It may not be possible to spend time exclusively with people and in places that feel absolutely right to you, but at the very least, notice where and with whom you feel harmonious, joyful, at ease. Making small adjustments in course will eventually lead you to the environment that is more harmonious for you.

3. Think how to deal with situations and people who are not harmonious for you. It’s not a matter of judgement, it’s a matter of fit. The goal here is to reduce your suffering, anxiety, self-doubt, discomfort. Say “no” when you can; offer an alternative graceful solution that gets you off the hook; ask for help from someone who knows and loves you.

4. Broadly consider what is stacked up in your favor. You’re alive. You’re aware. You have an ability to help. You make a difference simply by being around. You can get out of bed. You can go outside. You care. On days when you can’t make peace with yourself, start with these basic ideas that you know are true, and follow them in your actions. This will get you through the day, and you can go from there.

5. Do, now, whatever you can to make yourself feel more harmonious. Maybe, it’s about moving to a more comfortable seat. Maybe, it’s about making a five-minute call to someone you care about, eating an apple, having a good laugh or a good cry, taking a nap, doing something kind, going for a run… Try something you believe may work.

Living with yourself in peace, and acting upon whatever is harmonious for you, can be your greatest source of power and joy in 2019.


1. GROWTH FOR BOTH: New Year Strategic Planning Package for Two
(Get it on the website)
Sign up with a friend, a partner, a colleague, or a family member, and get a strategic planning session for each of you.

Sign up by Jan. 5th 2018, use by March 1st, 2019. Only 10 packages available.

Package includes:
– Two 1.5 hour intensive, personalized Strategic Planning Sessions (one per person) to figure out your next career move, outline life strategy, get better results faster in the area of life important to you.
– Experiments and shifting of perspective.
– A custom-designed powerful, harmonious action plan
– Immediate steps toward resolving your challenge.
– Clear reflection, support, and practical out-of-the-box ideas.
– BONUS: detailed notes from each sessions.
– Investment: $700. ($596 if you use the gift code WeGROW to save 15%).

I will  donate a portion of the proceeds to a local public school, earmarking the $ for music and STEM programs. Last year, we donated $800 through this project together. Can we top it this year? Sign up HERE to be a part of this excitement!

2. I’m now a Ph.D. Student at the U. of Strathclyde Business School.
I sort of shared this with you in a recent newsletter, Are You An Experience Junkie? , but it has become truly tangible once I traveled to Glasgow for my first class, Research Philosophy. Is reality objective or subjective? How do you know what you know? How do your beliefs about the nature of reality and knowledge affect your work, your research, your parenting, your relationships? Email me if you’re thinking about going back to school, and want to talk through the decision-making process.


Career Lessons from Marie Kondo


Nothing Is Wrong, But…