What will 2018 bring? (Or How to Be Your Own “Psychic”)

(There is some magic I would love for us to do together; please, see the fire-breathing dragon at the end.)
I learned from Martha Beck that there are three types of business: your business, other people’s business, and the universe’s business. One can have a great deal of influence in his own business, negligible level of influence in other people’s business, and no influence what so ever in the universe’s business (think “weather”).

With this in mind, if you want to know reliably what 2018 will bring you, consider the realm of your business.

Time. How do you spend and invest your time? How much time do you allocate to what’s dear to your heart? “Where you put your time” is an excellent indicator of what is important to you, for one reason or another. Look how you spend time, and you’ll know what you’ll see more of in 2018. (If you want to change the trend, re-allocate your time, even if in small chunks, to what you want more of.)

People. With whom do you spend your time? What are “your people” like? How do you feel when you are around them? Do you support each other, make each other learn, play, rest, grow, and push through difficult things? Look where “your people” are going; it is a good indicator of where you are heading in 2018. “Your tribe” will inform your 2018. If you’re not excited about the picture, think whom you would like to meet, so that you could learn from each other and grow together.

Your body. Do you treat your body with care? Do you give it enough nutrients, sleep, training? The way you’ve treated your body is a useful source of information for your health, strength, creativity, motivation, and general energy level in 2018. Change the way you treat your body for the better, and your 2018 will improve right in front of your eyes.

Attention. Whatever you focus on – expands. What has been on your mind? Money, relationships, career, growth, health, family, fun, adventure? Whatever you pace your attention on is more likely to show up in your 2018 because you are more likely to notice and attract it. So, what would you like to see more of in 2018? Make it a point to notice it wherever you go, in any context (i.e. in your own life, other people’s lives, movies, etc.) – a successful project, a passionate loving relationship, travel opportunities and such.

The most exciting thing is that you can control these elements to an extent, which gives you a sense for what your future will bring. You are an active creator (and an active “allow-er”) of all sorts of wonderful changes you want to see in your life.

Wishing you good health, flexibility, high energy, creativity, as well as all sorts of magical transformations in 2018. Happy New Year!


Would you like to start the year with an intensive, personalized strategic planning session to figure out your next moves in your career and life, AND get the full experience at a fraction of the cost, AND support a great cause?
I would like to put a win-win-win offer on the table for you:
YOU get a full 1.5 hour Strategic Planning Executive Coaching session at 1/3 of the cost,
I get to do the work I love and do best, and DONATE 100% of the profit to the local music and arts program for kids.

There are 7 Strategic Planning sessions open through this promotion, valid for scheduling in January or February 2018. (There are probably still 2 or 3 that remain open.) Here is how you get one:

1. Go to the link http://alinabas.com/get-started/#schedule 
2. Select a Strategic Planning Session
4. Schedule a session for January or February 2018
5. Your homework will arrive a week prior to your session.
(If the code is not working, it most likely means that all 7 sessions in this promotion have already been used up. If you believe that it’s just a glitch, please email me, and we’ll resolve it.)


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