Are You Enough?

I sat down on a bench, proud of myself for jogging to the park rather than driving. The baby was sleeping peacefully in the stroller.

2 minutes of peace. Catching my breath.

Then, the anxious monkey mind started its chatter:

“ Shouldn’t you make that phone call now to follow up on a client? After all, the baby is sleeping…”

“Should you go online to check e-mail, since you are just sitting here? And while you are online, do pay the bills.”

“Oh, and when are you going to start reading that book? It’s in the stroller, so you might as well get started.”

As I was deciding which project to undertake, my gaze fell upon the green grass right in front of me.  It was just growing there, and it was beautiful. Then, I swear I could hear the grass say: “Just Being here is Enough.”

The grass didn’t try to grow taller, or look greener; it didn’t stress about growing in Brooklyn rather than in Central Park; the grass didn’t strive for perfection – it was just growing there. And yet, it was perfect for everything that it inherently was.

So here are the lessons from the grass, to answer the question of whether we are […] enough:

We are deep enough to share our values with our children.

We are interesting enough to enjoy life.

We are beautiful enough to look in the mirror.

We are smart enough to learn what we want to learn.

We don’t need to do anything more to be enough.

We are Here, and that’s enough.

By the way, I didn’t get anything done that afternoon. I just took my baby to the park, went on a long jog with a stroller, breathed in the approaching autumn, and chatted with other moms. I am enough.


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