How to Start a Revolution of Love

The devastating  massacre in Norway , a loss of US troops in Iraq, a tragic  suicide of a teen, a heartbreaking passing of Amy  Winehouse, a recent death of Whitney Houston were all followed by a tremendous outpouring of love.

I wonder if all those who died knew how loved they were, and what a difference they made in the world.

It is my wish for 2012 that all people know in their lifetime how loved they are and how much light they carry within them.

Let’s not wait for tragedies.
Let’s not wait for facebook pleas of “Having a bad day; could really use support”.
Let’s create an outpouring of love right Now – a Revolution of Love

How? Simple: FAN MAIL!!!
– Make it a habit of sending out a quick email every time you log onto your computer, reminding someone how awesome they are (Be specific. For example: “Your constructive attitude made working on a project much easier!” or “I admire the way you got the team to reach consensus at the last meeting.”)
– Make it a point to send out one text message a day, telling someone what a difference they make (For example: “Thanks for making me feel included”)
– Any time you have something good to say, say it. (For example: “What a beautiful scarf!”)

A couple of weeks ago, I received an unsolicited email from a client: “I was amazed that even in the 1 hour we spoke, your ideas were so invaluable to my business!”

If she only knew what a beautiful gift she has given me!
The message reached me on one of those days when I couldn’t find my footing (hey, it happens to the best of us).
It reminded me of the light inside me, and that reminder shaped all the decisions that I made that day.
It was BIG.

And it feels BIG every time a loving message comes through; it never gets old.

You can make a BIG difference in people’s lives by generously sending out genuine fan mail.
Join the Revolution of Love!!!

I would be thankful if you share with me your stories of Revolution of Love.
Tell me what it feels like to Send out fan mail;
tell me what it feels like to Get unexpected fan mail;
tell me how you know that you are making a world of a difference!

Does this resonate with you? Please sign up for my blog HERE , and for the newsletter on the upper right side of this page. I will never share your e-mail address or send you junk.


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