Have an Interesting Life

Thanksgiving time is a mixed bag. Culturally, this holiday prompts us to think of the positive things in our lives to be thankful for. Well, what if you’re not “feeling it”?

If you are feeling sad, exhausted, resentful, angry, disappointed, lonely, gratitude may not be on the top of your “to do list”. I understand. I’m not here to convince you otherwise. I do want to ask you this: what can you do to make this time of the year easier for yourself?

I have an idea to experiment with.

Shift your focus from “happy”/’thankful”/”accepting” to “interesting”: what would make this holiday time interesting for you, regardless of your mood and situation?

Having an interesting experience is about waking up your brain and stopping it from automatically reaching for the most familiar coping strategy, whether or not that strategy serves you well.

So, what can you insert into the next few days that would make you say:

“Wow!” Or

“Huh, that’s interesting. I haven’t seen that one before, and I like it.” Or

“I never knew I would enjoy [fill in the blank] so much!” Or

“I learned something new that I can use” Or

“What an interesting taste/sight/sound!”

No matter what your situation currently is, can you think of one event, activity, person, experience that might ignite a sense of deep delight in you?

How can you have an interesting Thanksgiving?

I know this blurb has more questions than answers. It is because the answers are different for each of you. Maybe, you’ll have the first ever leaf fight over the next few days; maybe you’ll have a deep conversation with someone who truly matters to you, or simply someone smarter than you in some way; maybe, you’ll simply decide to keep track of the number of times you say “wow” over the weekend.

What would make this long weekend interesting for you?

And generally, what would make your life more interesting?

“Interesting” doesn’t always equal happy, but “interesting” does wake up your senses. I am thankful we are here, and we can experience life with all of our senses. (If you can share with me what makes your life interesting, I’d love to know!)

On Thu., November 16th, I’ve presented an exciting new workshop, Intuitive Wayfinding for Analytical Thinkers to a group of professionals in the IT industry in NYC. Would you like to learn more about mindfully taking charge of your wayfinding? Let’s talk!


I am starting a large, exciting and challenging project that will dominate my professional calendar for some time to come. If you know that you and I need to work together soon, now is a really good time to put your name on the calendar for 2018. We can do a quick [free] exploratory call to see what makes sense to you if you’re not sure where to start.

I’m SEEKING STORIES from analytical thinkers who have listened to their intuition in order to make better decisions. Can you share a story about the time intuition shaped a decision you made? How did things work out?


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