
Alina Bas Alina Bas

Effective Alternative to “Searching”

"I need to find my true self." "I want to find my real purpose." "I’ll find true love when the time is right." "I’m trying to find balance in my life." "I want to find the right path." Do these statements sound familiar to you, and yet ... a bit off? Can we really “find” these end goals, or is there a better way to reach them, if reaching them is even possible?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Alignment for 2025

Best wishes for 2025! In the world of uncertainty, how do we create alignment for the coming year, in soft focus? Here's one idea. It is based on your ability to tap into your intuition, but does not conflict with your intellectual assessment of the year to come.

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Making a Wish When Torn Between Outcomes

Does it make sense to wish for something when a) You are uncertain about the best outcome, and b) You don’t have control over the outcome? Let’s consider this in the context of life’s more complex dilemmas. Should you wish for acceptance to a prestigious university far from family, knowing the distance will tug at your heart? Should you hope for a high-powered job offer if it means sacrificing balance and peace?    Should you long for a particular person’s love, even when your gut says they may not be the right match?

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Alina Bas Alina Bas

Bucket List: Keep It or Forget It?

Does a bucket list actually help you make happen what you really want in life? Or, is a bucket list simply a holding place for unfulfilled dreams, which are often being postponed “until a better time”? Is it a list to which you may get when you have more money, more time, a partner, a different partner, freedom, you’re your children grow up, retirement, or when your other goals are met first?

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